Kho made the statement on Twitter hours after Belo made a controversial post on the microblogging site. "nancycastilogne you can now openly date @haydenjr. You have my blessings. Hope you'll both be happy," she wrote."
But Kho, who was the central figure in a 2009 sex video scandal which involved a number of celebrities, maintained that "there is no issue of infidelity."
Below are his series of tweets on Friday afternoon:
"First off, I'd like to make it clear that Vicki and I are not fighting because of Nancy.
"I have already apologized to Nancy for getting her name dragged into this minor bump in my relationship with Vicki.
"This issue stemmed not fr [from] facts not rumors; but fr [from] mindless & loveless faultfinding wc [which] occasionally happens when 2 people hv [have] a disagreement.
"I understand that some will hv [have] d [the] urge to comment in jest or mockery to flame the issue; but I appeal 2u [to you] to keep ur [your] jokes 2 urself [yourself].
"There is NO issue of infidelity here. As a matter of fact, Vicki & I have been doing well in our relationship.
"And finally, since this is already public, I might as well say this in public. @vicki_belo, I love you.
"Let's all have a happy valentines day on the 14th.
"And yes, I love you more than Temple Run. @vicki_belo," he said, referring to the popular game for Apple devices such as the iPhone.
Rumors have circulated that Kho was recently spotted kissing Castiglione, whose screen name is Nancy Jane, in a bar in Taguig City.
Earlier today, Kho appealed to the public to "hold their judgement" as the issue may affect Castiglione's two sons.
Castiglione, who is not married, gave birth to twins Matteo and Joaquin in March 2009.
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